*OTHER WAYS TO SAY* By Bhupesh solanki from Bulandshahr *Look* Glance , Stared , View , Watch , peek. *Funny* Amusing , Hilarious , Entertaining , Witty , side splitting. laughable , good humoured. *Sad* Somber , Melancholy , Sorrowful , Depressed , Sick at heart , down *Cry* Weep , sob , blubber , hawl , whall , whimper , shed tears. *Hate* Detest , Abhor , despise , Have an aversion to. *Tired* Exhausted , shattered , drowsy , Drained, fatigue, sleepy , burned out. *Thank you* I appreciate you , My Gratitude , Much Obliged , I owe you one cheers. *I Understand* I get you, I know what you mean , I take your point , fair enough , I hear you. *For Example* For Instance , As a case in point , In a Similar case , To illustrate. *As you Can see* As demonstrated , Evidently , As Manisfested, Obviously. *Sorry* Unfortunately, I regret the inconvenience, Lease accept my appologise , Forgive mt oversi...