*OTHER WAYS TO SAY* By Bhupesh solanki from Bulandshahr

 *Look* Glance , Stared , View , Watch , peek.

 *Funny* Amusing , Hilarious , Entertaining , Witty , side splitting. laughable , good humoured.

 *Sad* Somber , Melancholy , Sorrowful , Depressed , Sick at heart , down

 *Cry* Weep , sob , blubber , hawl , whall , whimper , shed tears.

 *Hate* Detest , Abhor , despise , Have an aversion to.

 *Tired* Exhausted , shattered , drowsy , Drained, fatigue, sleepy , burned out.

 *Thank you* I appreciate you , My Gratitude , Much Obliged , I owe you one cheers.

 *I Understand* I get you, I know what you  mean , I take your point , fair enough , I hear you.

 *For Example* For Instance , As a case in point , In a Similar case , To illustrate.

 *As you Can see* As demonstrated , Evidently , As Manisfested, Obviously.

 *Sorry* Unfortunately, I regret the inconvenience, Lease accept my appologise , Forgive mt oversight, Pardon me.

 *According to* In keeping with , In line with, Conforming to , In Consonace with, As agreement with as per.

 *Awesome* Extraordinary , Outstanding, Splendid , Incredible.  tremendous.

 *Intelligent* Wise , Astute , Knowledgeable , brilliant , brainy , smart, Clever.

 *But* However, Although , Through , yet , on the other hand , Nevertheless.

 *Especially* Above all , chiefly , In Particular , mainly, Principally, Exclusively.

 *Terrible* Hideous , appalling , Frightful , Horrendous , Atrocious, Ghastly , Dreadful.

 *Also* In addition, As well as , like wise , Furthermore , along with , besides, moreover.

 *Stupid* Foolish , Dumb, ludicrous, Laughable, futile, senseless.

 *Easy* Simple, Clear, Effortless, Facile , Basic, Straightforward.

 *Therefore* As a result, subsequently, For this reason, hence , thus , So/ so then , Consequently.

 *Very Good* Fantastic , Amazing, terrific , Wonderful, Incredible , Marvellous.

 *Big* Huge, Giant , Gigantic , Enornous, Massive, Large, Immense.

 *Great* Excellent, Fantastic, Wonderful , Super, Outstanding, Amazing.
 *Happy* Cheerful, Delighted, Glad, Joyful, Merry, Thrilled

 *Small* Tiny, Petite, Miniature, Teeny, Skimpy, Wee, Minute.
By Bhupesh solanki from Bulandshahr


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