Product Description
Rapid Mixer Granulator - High Shear Mixer Granulator (RMG – With LEFT & RIGHT Side Discharge Valve)
Gross Capacity
Model available from 60 Liters to 1250 Liters capacity
The gross capacity & working capacity in liters and working capacity in Kgs. are mentioned below .
Model Gross Capacity in
Litres Working Capacity in
Litres Working Capacity in Kgs.*
RMG - 60 60 45 25
RMG - 100 100 80 40
RMG - 150 150 120 60
RMG - 250 250 200 100
RMG - 400 400 320 150
RMG - 600 600 480 240
RMG - 750 750 600 300
RMG - 1250 1250 1000 500

* At Bulk Density of Material 0.50 GMS/ CC
Homogeneous binder distribution for mixing purpose.
Air purge sealing system for main stirrer shaft and granulator shaft.
Short batch time and cleaning time.
Maximize CIP effectiveness.
For precise control of process & automation PLC based operating panel.
A high-speed granulator is inserted horizontally through wall of bowl to assist blending of powder and to break the product to the granules of required size.
The seal housing and drive shaft may be flushed with cleaning water, which is then drained away from the machine through built in drain tubes.
Granulator motor is provided with a removable stainless steel shroud which covers the motor and simplify cleaning.
For Safety purpose : All moving part of the machine are totally enclosed to eliminate accident.
This machine can not be started unless and until the mixer cover is properly closed.
Flush wall type discharge valve eliminates pockets at the port of discharge valve.
All internal contact parts are polished to the mirror finish.
All contact parts are made out of SS304. SS316 provided on demand on extra cost.
Optional Facility Available On Demand At Extra Cost
Flameproof motors with flameproof operating panel.
Discharge provided on left or right side (as per granulation room layout) to suit client's requirement.
IPC LIFTER or VACUUM LOADING SYSTEM for dust free material charging.
General Structure made out of completely from SS304 material instead of SS304 cladding on mild steel structure.
Water jacketed product container with temperature sensor for product.
A.C. Frequency Drive for speed variation of Main Motor & Granulator Motor.
Pneumatic system for opening and closing of the top lid.
Triclover ended connection on top cover for fitting of spray ball for inbuilt cleaning.
Triclover ended connection on top cover for fitting of spray nozzle for spray of binders.
Proxy for FBD bowl detection at discharge valve.
Wet mill at discharge valve.
Binder spray system.


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