
Pharma notes

  Pharmaceutical Updates 60 Pharmaceutical Production Interview Questions & Answer  By BHUPESH SOLANKI  B elow are some Interview Questions and answers which can help the freshers as well as experience personnel for interview preparation so please Read and share if you think it useful. 1.What is Production : All operations involved in the preparation of a pharmaceutical product, from receipt of raw materials through the completion of a finished product i.e from Raw material Receipt to Finished product dispatch. It also includes the handling of manpower and recording the manufacturing and the packing activity performed. 2.   What is Batch Processing or Batch Manufacturing Record :  Documentation that provides the history of a batch from the raw material dispensing stage to completion of the batch or lot which include Dispensing of raw material, Granulation, Blending Compression, Capsule Filling, Coating, Inspection and yield at different stages. It also includes the details of the a

English vocablory sonia

 #THE_HINDU_NEWSPAPER  1.  Evaded- बच निकलना 2.  Grilled- भुना हुआ 3.  Gratification- संतुष्टि 4.  Encroachment- दबाव 5.  Pragmatic- व्यावहारिक 6.  Inciting- उकसाने 7.  Invigorates- मज़बूत करना, मोरचाबंदी करना 8.  Millennium- हजार सालों का समय 9.  Snuffed- पता लगाना 10.  Vouching- प्रत्ययन,ideation 11.  Mettle- उत्साह 12.  Remorse- पछतावा 13.  Culled- चुनी गई 14.  Doused- पानी में कूदना 15.  Blaze- ज्वाला 16.  Poaching- अवैध शिकार 17.  Remanded- हवालात भेजना 18.  Maverick- अपरंपरागत 19.  Abuzz- गूँजता हुआ 20.  Lured- लुभाना, लालच 21.  Cordon- घेरा fence 22.  Melange- combination 23.  Shun- सावधान! 24.  Crumbles- कमज़ोर पड़ना

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 #ONE_WORD_SUBSTITUTION 1. Things which cannot be read – illegible 2.  Incapable of being seen through- Opaque 3. One which cannot be seen- Invisible 4. A person who speak many languages – Multilingual 5. A person who sacrifices his life for a cause- Martyr 6. An instrument to measure temperature- Thermometer 7. Life history of a person written by that person- Autobiography 8. A person employed to drive a private or hired car- Chauffeur 9. A place where dead bodies are kept for identification- Morgue 10. A person who travels on foot- Pedestrian Bhupesh and sonia 

For various disease and relatives. Medicine given by Bhupesh solanki


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When you send the money But what problems created transactions 
Bhupesh Solanki 
Skip to Content Search Search Menu  Close Drugs A-Z Pill Identifier Interactions Checker FDA Alerts New Drugs News Pro Edition More Reference   Prescription Drug FAQs   What are pharmaceutical salt names?  Print    Share Drug Names and Their Pharmaceutical Salts - Clearing Up the Confusion Medically reviewed by  L. Anderson, PharmD  Last updated on Feb 16, 2019. You’ve given the pharmacist a prescription for your new diabetes medication called metformin hydrochloride, but when you receive your bottle and look it up on the internet, all you see is “metformin”, not “metformin hydrochloride.” Why is this? Is it the same drug your doctor ordered? What is “hydrochloride”? Why do some drugs exist in salt forms? Over 50% of all drug molecules used in medicine exist as salts, most frequently as the hydrochloride, sodium, or sulfate salts. Drug are often formed as a weak acid or