


Pharmacognosy is the study of medicinal drugs derived from plants or other natural sources. The American Society of Pharmacognosy defines pharmacognosy as "the study of the physical, chemical, biochemical and biological properties of drugs, drug substances or potential drugs or drug substances of natural origin as well as the search for new drugs from natural sources". [1] It is also defined as the study of crude drugs. Introduction The word "pharmacognosy" is derived from two Greek words: φάρμακον pharmakon ( drug ), and γνῶσις gnosis ( knowledge ). The term "pharmacognosy" was used for the first time by the Austrian physician Schmidt in 1811 and 1815 by Crr. Anotheus Seydler in a work titled Analecta Pharmacognostica . Originally—during the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century—"pharmacognosy" was used to define the branch of medicine or commodity sciences ( Warenkunde in German) which deals with drugs in their
Drug manufacturing is the process of industrial-scale synthesis of pharmaceutical drugs by pharmaceutical companies . The process of drug manufacturing can be broken down into a series of unit operations , such as milling , granulation , coating , tablet pressing , and others. Unit operations Formulation and pre-formulation development Before a drug can be manufactured at any scale, much work goes into the actual formulation of the drug. Formulation development scientists must evaluate a compound for uniformity, stability and many other factors. After the evaluation phase, a solution must be developed to deliver the drug in its required form such as solid, semi-solid, immediate or controlled release, tablet, capsule Powder blending In the pharmaceutical industry, a wide range of excipients may be blended together to create the final blend used to manufacture the solid dosage form. The range of materials that may be blended (excipients, API), presents a number of va
Pharmaceutical formulation , in pharmaceutics , is the process in which different chemical substances, including the active drug , are combined to produce a final medicinal product . The word formulation is often used in a way that includes dosage form . Stages and timeline Formulation studies involve developing a preparation of the drug which is both stable and acceptable to the patient. For orally administered drugs, this usually involves incorporating the drug into a tablet or a capsule . It is important to make the distinction that a tablet contains a variety of other potentially inert substances apart from the drug itself, and studies have to be carried out to ensure that the encapsulated drug is compatible with these other substances in a way that does not cause harm, whether direct or indirect. Preformulation involves the characterization of a drug's physical, chemical, and mechanical properties in order to choose what other ingredients ( excipients ) s