
Showing posts from August, 2018
Glomerular Filtration & Factors Affecting Glomerular Filteration Rate | Pdf Download Glomerular filtration Introduction Glomerular filtration is the process by which the blood is Filtered while passing through the glomerular capillaries By filtration membrane. It is the first process of urine Formation. The structure of filtration membrane is well Suited for filtration. Download as glomerular filtration rate pdf Filtration membrane Filtration membrane is formed by three layers: 1. Glomerular capillary membrane 2. Basement membrane 3. Visceral layer of bowman capsule. 1. Glomerular capillary membrane Glomerular capillary membrane is formed by single Layer of endothelial cells, which are attached to the Basement membrane. The capillary membrane has Many pores called fenestrae  or  filtration pores  with a Diameter of 0.1 μ. 2. Basement membrane Basement membrane of glomerular capillaries and The basement membrane of visceral layer of bowman Capsule fu
All disease related discussions by BHUPESH SOLANKI
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